The Bolton Macmillan Cancer Support and Information Service has been recognised by achieving the Macmillan Quality Environment Mark (MQEM) across all of its three sites.
The services at Giles House at Bolton Hospice, Bolton One and the Royal Bolton Hospital all received the highest ratings possible of ‘excellent’ when they were assessed.
MQEM is a framework of excellence used by Macmillan to assess their services and they are reviewed both internally and externally to receive the accolade. All three sites were assessed as a level five of excellent, the highest it can get.
Bolton Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service works in partnership with Bolton Hospice, Bolton People Affected by Cancer and NHS Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group to provide access to good quality and appropriate information and support.
Sue Summerfield, Macmillan Cancer Support and Information Service Manager in Bolton is thrilled with the achievement.
She said: “We are so delighted to receive this award and it is wonderful to have the recognition for all the effort that has been made to ensure that all our three centres meet the needs and standards for people affected by cancer.
“Our partner organisations and staff and volunteers all work so hard to make sure our service meets the needs of people accessing it and we are very proud of what we have achieved so far.”
Just some of the service’s achievements since opening include:
- Over 6,000 people affected by cancer have been given advice, support and guidance.
- £3.5m of benefits have been achieved for those eligible by our benefits adviser
- £130,000 achieved in Macmillan Grants for people affected by cancer.
- Over 20 volunteers at the service.
- Over 185 attendances at the monthly walking group.
- Over 80 ladies attended make up and skin care classes.
- 100% of services users rated the service as excellent.
The Information & Support centres are based at:
- Royal Bolton Hospital- Minerva Road, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 0JR.
Drop in service is available Monday-Friday 9.30 am-4:30pm
- Bolton One- Moor Lane, Bolton, BL3 5BN.
Drop in service is available Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm
- Giles House- 43 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QR
Drop in service is available Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-4pm.
Opening times may vary at Giles House so please call before making a special journey. The drop in service is also supplemented by a telephone helpline open Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm. Tel: 01204 663059.