Everyone needs supporting through cancer whether you are the individual diagnosed with cancer, carers, family or friends, at Macmillan we are here to support everyone. We are launching a new monthly support group starting the 23rd January, each month there will be a speaker focusing on a particular topic:
– MONTH ONE: Emotional well-being
– MONTHTWO: Financial support / returning to work
– MONTHTHREE: Healthy Eating
– MONTH FOUR: Managing Fatigue
– MONTH FIVE: Supporting someone through cancer
– MONTH SIX: Health & well being
The speaker will talk for the first part of the support group and the second part will be for you to reflect and discuss with other people affected by cancer attending the event. We have specifically designed the sessions to have two parts as we know that everyone requires a different level of support and may not wish to attend both parts of the session. Please feel free to attend both or one part of the session, we just ask that you book your place in advance by calling the team on 01204 663059, we can then discuss your requirements further with you.
The session includes free refreshments and a light buffet, please note the sessions are also free of charge and free on site parking is available.
Check our upcoming events for reminders on when the sessions are.
Any questions? Give us a call and we will be more than happy to discuss any queries you have!
We hope to see you there!